
An Australian army rescues Tibetan activist threatened by three Chinese in Sydney

Lobsang Jorden arrived in Australia in late 2015 and as someone who had come under protection visa, he too has a struggle in his heart. His family suffered under Chinese government’s brutality like most of the Tibetan arrivals in Australia. Not forgetting his fight for the freedom of his country and people under Chinese occupation, he initiated a movement known as “Freedom Movement on Every Wednesday” in front of Chinese embassy in Sydney. This week’s Wednesday marks his 11 th freedom movement in front of the Chinese embassy in Sydney. However, not all his peaceful, permitted freedom movement went smooth. At one point of time he encountered three Chinese in their mid-30s or early 40s, who not only questioned his activism, threatened and nearly man-handled him. The incident occurred between 9:50-10:00 in the morning on 19th August around the parking site of the embassy in the back while he was readying for his movement in front of the embassy. The incident had him shocked as he never

Who is your Sikyong candidate amongst the probable aspirants?

Two decades been passed in a twinkling of an eye since the exile Tibetan residents first directly elected a Kalon Tripa, the head of the Kashag or Government-in-Exile, now technically known as Central Tibetan Administration, in 2001. In last four elections, Tibetans elected and reelected two professional academic careerists to head the exile government that witnessed H.H the Dalai Lama’s semi and complete retirement from political or state affairs in 2001 and 2011 respectively.  In the first ever tryst with direct election to Kalon Tripa, Tibetans in exile voted career-academician Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche followed by Harvard academician Dr. Lobsang Sangay, both of whom managed to win second term. 2021 is altogether moving to a different direction as Tibetans are being thrown in the social media with probable and aspiring candidates of veteran calibre in terms of political background in their career, but none of them having academic credentials that can equal both Prof. Samdhong and Dr

Drew Pavlau more determined than ever, still carries on human rights activism

The COVID 19 that originated from Wuhan city has the whole world victimised and reeling under both health and economic downtown as the biggest disaster ever in the history of mankind from a virus. All and sundry are impacted by this pandemic and are fuming on the Chinese government as to how could they have spread it around the world.  Amidst the uncertainty of when the COVID 19 would disappear, a young Australian outspoken student is also becoming a victim of China originated influence in the country. He was manhandled in the very campus of Australia by the Chinese students and others, the video of which we can see, then was reprimanded for his human rights activism by China's propaganda tool, global times and branded separatist. Worse, he was suspended and later banned altogether of his entry into the university to which he was elected Senator and one of the brightest students.  Drew took the University of Queensland to court to challenge his expulsion and is still fighting the

Tibetan Community of QLD leadership met with Brisbane Central Ward Cr. Vicky Howard

Queensland Tibetan Community president and general secretary meets local Brisbane councillor Vicky Howard The Queensland Tibetan Community leadership met with Brisbane Central ward councillor Vicky Howard, who is serving her second term following electoral victory March this year. The exuberant leader was earlier congratulated via email by the community general secretary soon after her resumption of power at the city council. The community leadership discussed upcoming community and cultural activities with the councillor and sought assistance in the provisions for the cultural and educational development. Currently, there are approximately 154 Tibetans in the state with majority of them being member to the community. Some members live as far as Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast, while most of the Tibetans are concentrated around Brisbane with majority being residents of New Farm. The local councillor has been in constant support of the community since the last year meeting with the

The Game of One Year Gap: H. H the Dalai Lama or CCP, who will outlive?

If you have watched the Game of Thorns, hope you can read the ‘Game of One Year Gap’. I have been trying to find an answer to this hypothetical question of who will live longer, the Chinese Communist Party or His Holiness the 14 th Dalai Lama? The Chinese Communist Party was founded in 1921 and by 1949, it succeeded in establishing a communist government which consequently led to the lost of Tibet’s sovereignty. It also is expecting to live beyond a century not just as political party, but in power at the centre. Meanwhile, H.H Dalai Lama who was born in 1935 was ageing year by year, but not getting older anytime. As he aged, he gets stronger and healthier promising to live beyond a century. This sounds promising as he is the only Dalai Lama amongst the 14 th reincarnations who lived the longest. While the Dalai Lama has no hurdles in living long as millions pray for his long life each day, Chinese Communist Party always has restive regions to handle in all its years since the founda

Tibetans in exile gearing up for Presidential and Parliamentary Election

The world’s most successful refugee organisation will soon hit the road for elections to the 16th   Kashag (Cabinet) and 17 th  Droetsok (Parliament). The appointment of two additional election commissioners Geshema (Ph.D) Delek Wangmo and former MP Sonam Gyaltsen hinted at the soon-to-be beginning of an exile's largest election. Two additional commissioners will be assisting the Chief Election Commissioner Wangdue Tsering in the 2020-2021 election. Election Commission is the CTA’s autonomous body that is entrusted with the responsibility of holding the exile’s election under the CTA's jurisdiction. According to reports from  Central Tibetan Administration  and other exile- based media, the two additional election commissioners have taken oath of office from the Chief Justice Commissioner after being elected unanimously by the standing committee of the Tibetan Parliament in exile, who meets in the absence of the parliamentary session.  Amongst the attendees to the oath taking c

Dawa Dolma is not just a name, its a meaning to it: A Tibetan nurse and her pandemic courage

In her meditative posture  If you are thinking what is the relationship between a 'nurse profession' and 'Tibetan Buddhist teaching', here is a short trip into it.  When you face an uphill task challenge, either you take it or give it up. However, Sydney based Tibetan young nurse opted to take the challenge.  The Tibetan lass shares her experience in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic that had nurses around the world at the forefront of the duty. The service rendered by them and other health professionals during the pandemic were both risky and sacrificial. For Dawa Dolma, there are two choice given the pressure from society as well as grave personal health concerns. Either she quit the job and isolate to save herself from the virus or become a saviour. She aptly and bravely chose the latter, and she didn’t regret, but relish. However, the brave-heart was deeply disheartened by  reports of certain nurses and health care professionals being assaulted and spat upon by member