MP Tenzin Doring to attend 7th GBM of ATCA

MP Tenzin Doring speaking to media in the CTA compound, Dharamsala
MP with QLD Tibetan community President, Mr. Lobsang Nyima, Brisbane 

Mr. Tenzin Doring, MP for the Australiasia Elecortate of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile is to offiially attend the 7th Governing Bodies Meet of the Australia Tibetan Community Association, to be held in Wagga Wagga under the initiation of ATCA leadership and preparation of Wagga Wagga Tibetan Community leaderhip for two days between 14-15 October. The Honorable MP has been invited by the ATCA as the Guest of Honor during which Mr. Doring will deliver a speech and provide meaningful guidelines as is the customary and may even take part on issues that matter the most. Queensland Tibetan Community President Mr. Lobsang Nyima, and all other state Tibetan community leaderships will attend the meet during which ATCA president and secretary will be elected for the next two years. 

It is exclusive Pan-Australia Tibetan Leadership Meet held every two years following the election of new executives of each Tibetan Communities in the states and regions of Australia to chalk out future course of action by passing resolutions in unanimous or majority. 

 Mr. Doring is likely to undertake other visits to Sydney and Canberra in the coming weeks and months. He recently returned to India few days ago following the adjournent of 6th session of the 17th TPiE.


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