Dawa Dolma is not just a name, its a meaning to it: A Tibetan nurse and her pandemic courage

In her meditative posture If you are thinking what is the relationship between a 'nurse profession' and 'Tibetan Buddhist teaching', here is a short trip into it. When you face an uphill task challenge, either you take it or give it up. However, Sydney based Tibetan young nurse opted to take the challenge. The Tibetan lass shares her experience in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic that had nurses around the world at the forefront of the duty. The service rendered by them and other health professionals during the pandemic were both risky and sacrificial. For Dawa Dolma, there are two choice given the pressure from society as well as grave personal health concerns. Either she quit the job and isolate to save herself from the virus or become a saviour. She aptly and bravely chose the latter, and she didn’t regret, but relish. However, the brave-heart was deeply disheartened by reports of certain nurses and health care professionals being assaulted and spat upon by mem...